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Chartplotter/Fishfinder Garmin echoMAP 70DV with 7” VGA touchscreen display 800x480 pixels with dawn sensor, integrated 10 Hz GPS/GLONASS antenna and 500W 50/77/200 kHz fisfinder with the advanced HD-ID and DownVU technology. 
DownVU function, thanks to high frequency, allows to display objects, structures and fish in high resolution, almost near to real view. 
Wireless connectivity with BlueChart Mobile App via smartphone or tablet. 
Worldwide basemap preloaded with dual microSD™ slots. 
BlueChart G2/G2 Vision cartography compatible. 
Tilt/swivel mount and flush mount kit included. 
77/200 DownVU stern trasducer included in package.

Šifra RicambiAccessoriRefCijenaU košaricu
5628092echoMAP 92SV1.099,00
5628166Coperchio schermo14,99
5628167Trasduttore poppa GT40-TM 77/200 kHz 500W DownVU/S249,00
5628168Trasduttore poppa GT41-TM 50/200 kHz 500W DownVU/S448,96
5628172Trasduttore passante GT41-TH 50/200 kHz 500W DownV749,08
5628163Cavo alimentazione-dati22,98
Izrada: Kabi d.o.o